Ganotherapy with DXN INTERNATIONAL

Ganotherapy is not a treatment , rather it is a line of thought that consists of four theories developed after watching about 3 million people over 12 consuming Ganoderma Lucidum .
In this line of thought , our body will take care of their own health problems with the right help and support, which can come from many useful nutrients of Ganoderma Lucidum .
What is Ganotherapy ?

It is believed that most of the western population is in a state of
«pre- disease» unknowingly due to the bombing of toxins , environmental pollution , stress and unhealthy life style and diet which is very high in fat , cholesterol , sugar , salt and chemical additives.
Ganotherapy takes a holistic approach to complementary and alternative medicine . The underlying belief in Ganotherapy is that » our body is the best doctor and prevention is better than cure» .

The four basic principles of Ganotherapy are:
The diseases are caused by two sources , toxins in our body and disharmony in body functions .
Ganoderma does not cure the disease, but gives our body the fuel and nutrition they need to help balance the immune system of our body and improve immunity against external harmful agents.
Any reaction that occurs is caused by our body systems and is not directly related to the consumption of Ganoderma .
Ganoderma dosage adopted is irrelevant to the disease.
There are many misconceptions about herbal medicine
When a person has a disease , usually in turn has a prescription drug to solve the problem . Unknown to most patients , is that prescription drug

s only mask the symptoms of the disease that does not really get to the source of the problem. We can even see that in some cases, if not most, the side effects of these drugs eventually worsen the patient’s condition .

Many users of herbs , nutritional supplements and other complementary or alternative solutions health solutions are the same as they see conventional medicine. Waiting grass act to cure your symptoms ie if they have pain , they want a pill that eliminates the pain , and the only difference between patients who use conventional medicine and patients presenting to natural medicine in the people want a pain pill story .
All this is very frustrating for practitioners of alternative medicine
, Holistic medicine, herbalists , nutritionists, etc. . because they want to help patients , but most patients are not really looking for long term solutions : what they are looking for is short term to mask your symptoms , using products that can be called «natural.» Alternative medicine is no better than conventional medicine if you treat it as a temporary means of covering up a pattern of symptoms that you have created in your life through your unwillingness to make changes that lead to long term health . Herbal medicine has a much greater purpose than being relegated to the limited view of the world of conventional medicine. Herbs should be used holistically to support a healthy lifestyle . Some herbs are really powerful and can actually help a person to maintain the overall well-being and good health .
The Ganotherapy supports in achieving good health through detoxification and regulation of the body. However, as these products are really like food , it is necessary to consume them regularly enough , so they can make a difference. Perseverance and commitment to change ourselves is important because the body may feel some reaction , as it gets rid of accumulated toxins in recent years !
These are the basic principles :

A). – EXAMINE (1-30 days )
When starting the intake of Ganoderma Lucidum , travels through the body for imbalances and helps regulate its vital functions. The body has called » Healing Crisis » reactions and this serves as an indicator of what body needs improvement.
B ) . DETOX (1-30 Weeks )
Uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat accumulation and calcium, rotten tissue, excess fecal matter in the colon, excess toxins , heavy metals and other harmful elements accumulated in the body, will be removed and disposed of through sweat , urine and fecal material.
C) – . REGULATE (1-12 Months )
Balancing effect on the regulation of body functions . You can see various reactions but this is a sign that the body has begun to recover and should continue consuming Ganoderma Lucidum . Note that the body takes years to accumulate toxins and we can not expect that in almost magically heal.
D. – FORTALECE (6-24 Months )
Fortification Process Begins and Healing of wounds and damaged body parts . Inmunolóogico System Strengthens , improves physical endurance and mental tranquility and provides more E. – REGENERA (1-3 years)
disease resistance . Provides vital elements such as vitamins, minerals , triterpenoids , phytonutrients and antioxidants .

This is the ultimate purpose of the consumption of Ganoderma Lucidum .
This is the process where our body functions at optimal level and also begin to see the effect of rejuvenation (resets a young aparariencia

, provides balance and peace of mind and of course, increases the resistance).

Let us be aware and sincere in holding that for a disease to be manifested in the body usually takes a process of forming long. Cancer, diabetes, arterioclerosis
, Just to name a few , take years to form. How can we ask for in no time control and cure ?

Thanks to these two compounds , Ganoderma lucidum has become the miraculous act quickly because this fungus improving the health of many people who use it regularly as a dietary supplement. There are testimonials from people who have achieved remarkable results in improving diseases such as migraine , triglycerides , cholesterol , hypertension , ulcers , gastritis, prostate tumors , cancer , HIV, fibroids , osteoporosis , hemorrhoids, colon.
Every day we hear more testimonies of people who are receiving the benefit of improving their conditions and all thanks to this wonderful nutrient that has no magic except
possess lentinan and organic germanium which allow our immune system is strengthened and the body to fight disease and protect .

DXN excellent and healthy , and I found this wonderful tool gives generous health and welfare states that today has become the company and the company of my heart.
I congratulate you on the decision ! Clicking here you can take the first step towards success.


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